Insurance is a system to provide protection and face the dangers that people are exposed to, whether for themselves or their property. Or negligence, negligence, or an active act. Insurance is considered a safety valve, cover, protection and the spirit of life in our modern age :
Types Of Insurance
1- Life insurance
Each section is divided into several types of insurances, for example, but not limited to(fire insurance, liability insurance, engineering insurance, ships insurance, ships insurance, marine insurance, aircraft insurance, cash insurance during storage and during transportation, health insurance, loan insurance, and ordinary accident insurance and unusual, aircraft insurance, and …………..etc)

Insurance Contracts
(consensual contract, probabilistic contract, submission contract, binding contract for both sides, commercial contract, netting contract, time contract, good faith contract, continuing contract)
Detection Procedure
Actuarial bidding and pricing
Preparing insurance contracts of all kinds
Re Insurance
1- voluntary reinsurance
2- Re-securing the treaty